The 11th Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CoSP11) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) will take place from 14 to 19 December 2025 in Doha, Qatar.

Venue: the exact venue is yet to be confirmed.

Important: The 14th of December will be used as a preparatory and coordination day for civil society, we thus encourage civil society representatives to plan to arrive early – this preparation is essential for observers to be able to navigate the CoSP.

The official conference starts on the 15th of December.

1st preparatory briefing for civil society

Below are the recording (without Q&A) and the slides from the first briefing on the UNCAC CoSP11 we provided to the civil society community on 5 February 2025:

What to expect

  • See our guide to attending the UNCAC CoSP.
  • On this page find details on civil society engagement at the CoSP10 in Atlanta in December 2023, which was the biggest Conference so far, with over 2,000 anti-corruption practitioners and delegates from 160 countries, including more than 400 civil society representatives attending in-person.

We anticipate that the future of the UNCAC’s Implementation Review Mechanism will be a key focus of the Conference. Other substantive anti-corruption focus issues are yet to emerge.


We anticipate that the application for NGOs without ECOSOC consultative status to observe the CoSP will be open around June-July 2025. UNODC, as the UNCAC Secretariat, will manage the application process.

Rights of observers

Approved observers have a range of rights, including to submit proposals for side events (likely in August/September 2025), submit written submissions, attend the Plenary and side events, and to speak in the plenary.

Financial support

We do not anticipate that financial support will be available to attend the COSP11. It is thus essential that interested civil society organizations and other stakeholders who would like to observe the CoSP11 to secure their own funding.


The CoSP11 is organized by UNODC and Qatar. No official information has been published by the organizers at this point.

The UNCAC Coalition, as the global civil society network focused on the UN Convention against Corruption, is working to support civil society participation in the CoSP.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)