Page last updated: 16 February 2024
The Conference of the States Parties (CoSP) is the main decision-making body of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
All states that have ratified the UNCAC are automatically part of the Conference of the State Parties. Other states (signatories and non-signatories), intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organizations can apply for observer status at CoSP sessions.
The CoSP meets every two years and adopts resolutions and decisions aimed at building States parties’ capacity and cooperation to achieve the convention’s objectives as well as promoting and reviewing its implementation. It operates under Rules of Procedure adopted by the Conference.
The 10th session of the UNCAC Conference of the States Parties (CoSP10) will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, USA from 11-15 December 2023.
Official websites for the UNCAC CoSP10:
- CoSP10 website of the United States (host country):
- UNODC’s official website for the CoSP10:
UNCAC Coalition Thematic Mailing List Communities
If you are an NGO representative or academic interested in advocacy coordination and information sharing on any of the thematic areas below, we invite you to subscribe to our mailing list communities.
CoSP10 Plenary Discussion: Key Takeaways and Country Positions
This summary provides an overview of States Parties’ plenary statements throughout the CoSP10, including updates on delegations’ views in terms of the UNCAC Coalition’s issues of priority, country review status updates, commitments and national developments, and more! Read the blog post here.
CoSP10: Analysis of Adopted Resolutions
Read the UNCAC Coalition’s summary and analysis of CoSP10 resolutions here!
The CoSP Observer – Conference Newsletter
NEW! CoSP10 Plenary statements
Oral statements by the UNCAC Coalition and members of its network:
- UNCAC Coalition statement – CoSP10 General Discussion – 12 December 2023 (.pdf)
- UNCAC Coalition statement – UNCAC IRM (.pdf)
- UNCAC Coalition statement – Technical Assistance (.pdf)
- UNCAC Coalition statement – Prevention (.pdf)
- UNCAC Coalition statement – Plenary 8a (.pdf)
- Transparency International statement – CoSP10 plenary on Implementation – 13 December 2023 (.pdf)
- Transparency International statement – CoSP10 general plenary – 13 December 2023 (.pdf)
- Transparency International statement – CoSP10 plenary on Prevention – 14 December 2023 (.pdf)
- Transparency International & UNCAC Coalition statement – CoSP10 plenary on Follow-up to the UNGASS against Corruption – 14 December 2023 (.pdf)
- Statement by the UNCAC Coalition Working Group on Asset Recovery Chairs (CiFAR and TI France) (.pdf)
Check out our resources for civil society
- CoSP10 resources for civil society (shared google drive):
- Civil Society Toolkit for the CoSP:
- CoSP10 Social media toolkit:
- Advocacy Toolkit: Ensuring Effective Reparation to Victims of the Harm caused by Corruption:
- Communications Toolkit: Promoting a Gender-Sensitive and Inclusive Approach to Anti-Corruption:
- Communications toolkit for civil society organizations pushing for greater action on environmental crime and corruption at CoSP10:
UNCAC Coalition Written submissions to the UNCAC CoSP
Thematic submissions
- Anti-Corruption Priorities from the UNCAC Coalition
- A Seat at the Table: Expanding Civic Space in Anti-Corruption Efforts
- Civil Society Participation in UNCAC Implementation Reviews: How States Parties Enabled Meaningful Contributions
- Strengthening the UNCAC’s Implementation Review Mechanism to be Effective, Inclusive and Transparent
- UNCAC Coalition Tools for a More Transparent and Inclusive UNCAC Implementation Review Process
- Unveiling UNCAC: Analyzing the Results of our Access to Information Campaign
- Impact Through Follow-up Activities to Civil Society Parallel Reports on UNCAC Implementation
Submissions by the organizations in the UNCAC Coalition’s network on regional anti-corruption priorities
- Sub-Saharan Africa Region
- European Region
- Asia-Pacific Region
- Latin American Region – Spanish and English
Executive summaries of civil society parallel reports on UNCAC implementation
- In English: Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Liberia, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, Nepal, Puerto Rico, Serbia, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia
- In French: Burundi, Chad, Guinea, Togo, Tunisia
- In Spanish: Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay
Submissions by UNCAC Coalition Working Groups
- Strengthening the UNCAC to Combat Environmental Crime and Corruption – by the Environmental Crime and Corruption Working Group
- Read the Open letter to UNCAC States Parties Calling for a Strong Resolution at CoSP10 to Prevent and Combat Environmental Crime and Corruption here.
- Promoting a Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Approach to Anti-Corruption – by the Gender, Inclusion and Corruption Working Group
- Consequences of Corruption: The Right of Victims to Participation and Reparation in Corruption Cases – by the Working Groups on Victims of Corruption, on Asset Recovery, on Grand Corruption and State Capture, and on Gender Inclusion & Corruption
- Read the Open Letter to UNCAC States Parties: A Call for Action at the 10th UNCAC Conference of States Parties in Atlanta in December 2023 to Ensure Effective Reparation to Victims of the Harm caused by Corruption here.
- Strengthening the UNCAC to Combat Environmental Crime and Corruption – by the Environmental Crime and Corruption Working Group
Post CoSP CSO Briefing
The UNCAC Coalition hosted an online briefing on CoSP10 main outcomes and next steps for civil society in February 2024. Did you miss out? Catch up by watching the event recording or by scrolling through the slides.
CoSP Events
UNODC has published the program for CoSP10 special events between 11-15 December.
We would like to invite those of you attending the CoSP10 in person to the UNCAC Coalition Victims of Corruption Working Group meeting on Wednesday, 13 December, at 15:00 in the Dallas/Civil Society Meeting Room. This will be an excellent opportunity to gather everyone interested in this issue, including government officials. This event is open to everyone attending the CoSP10, you do not have to be a member of the working group to attend. We will share more information closer to the meeting date.
The call from UNODC for applications for special events closed on 26 August 2023. Kindly note that the UNCAC Coalition is not involved in the process of organizing or selecting which events will be held at the CoSP10: this process is moderated by UNODC.
Pre-CoSP Events
A Civil Society Forum, an Academic Symposium and a Youth Event took place before the CoSP, between Saturday and Sunday 9-10 December. To participate in these events, CoSP10 accreditation is not necessary.
Applications to attend the CoSP
After receiving your invitation letter from UNODC, register to attend the CoSP10 via Indico by 1 December 2023. Follow our guidance on how to apply here.
The call from UNODC for non-ECOSOC NGOs to apply to participate in CoSP10 has already closed – the firm deadline was 23 June 2023.
ECOSOC NGOs, in particular those that have not recently participated in UNCAC CoSPs, should express their interest in participating by sending an email to the UNCAC Secretariat: They will then receive an invitation in September.
Please see our guidance regarding US visa below.
Applying for a USA-entry Visa
- NGO participants should apply for B1/B2 Visas (combined).
- Even if no visa appointments are available for your country until after the CoSP10, we strongly encourage you to apply to participate in the CoSP10 and for a U.S. visa as soon as possible: US consulate can provide expedited visa appointments. These can be requested through a dedicated email address or form by the respective consulate.
- The application fee should be the same worldwide ($160), but some countries have reciprocity fees that could tack on additional costs if the visa is approved.
- If you must choose between B1or B2 for the DS-160 application form when B1/B2 is not available for whatever reason or for reciprocity fee differences, please choose B1 visa, as that is for business travel (“Traveling for a scientific, educational, professional or business convention, or a conference on specific dates”).
- If you need to provide a supporting document for your visa appointment, we suggest you use the official CoSP 10 invitation letter the organization received from UNODC.
- If the DS-160 form asks you to provide a contact person or organization in the United States, you can name UNODC:
UNODC New York Office
United Nations Headquarters
DC1 Building
Room 613
One United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: +1 (212) 963-5698
Contact person: N/A
- If the DS-160 form asks you to provide a contact person or organization in the United States, you can name UNODC:
- If you enjoy visa-free travel (eligible through ESTA), you do not need an additional visa for the CoSP. In this case, you should travel through the ESTA like all ESTA-eligible travellers.
- If your ESTA is denied for whatever reason, e.g., travel to a “state sponsor of terrorism” (Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria), you would then need to apply for a visa to enter the US.
Pre-CoSP CSO briefings
The UNCAC Coalition hosted a fourth and final briefing for civil society in November 2023 on CoSP10 preparations. Did you miss out? Catch up by watching the event recording or by scrolling through the slides.
- You can find here the presentation recording and slides on getting ready for the CoSP10 from the UNCAC Coalition’s third civil society briefing in October 2023.
- You can find here the presentation on UNCAC CoSP10 registration and logistics that the UNCAC Coalition during a second briefing for civil society in May 2023.
- The UNCAC Coalition hosted a first civil society briefing in February 2023 on basic information and advocacy plans for the Conference. Find out more by scrolling through the slides.
Useful links & resources
- DECEMBER 2023: Full CoSP program:
- NOVEMBER 2023: Guidance for Indico registration:
- NOVEMBER 2023: CoSP 10 special events program:
- NOVEMBER 2023: CoSP10 annotated agenda:
- OCTOBER 2023: CoSP10 resources for civil society (shared google drive):
- OCTOBER 2023: Civil Society Toolkit for the CoSP:
- SEPTEMBER 2023: UNODC’s CoSP10 information note for participants:
- SEPTEMBER 2023: UNCAC Coalition’s Guide for governments: Supporting meaningful civil society: participation and contributions around the UNCAC CoSP: or download as a PDF file (in English)
- Host country’s official conference website:
- UNODC’s general CoSP webpage:
- UNODC CoSP10 webpage and documentation:
- UNODC’s guidance note on NGO participation at the CoSP:
- More information about the previous CoSP9: