24 February 2025 –
Corruption undermines the rule of law and the enjoyment of human rights, especially for those in marginalized groups. At the 59th Session of the Human Rights Council (16 June – 11 July 2025), a resolution on the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights will be tabled. We call on Members of the Human Rights Council to adopt a strong resolution that would result in a new, comprehensive, and inclusive analysis of existing human rights obligations in the context of corruption and the development of clear guidelines for States to implement these obligations.
Call for Action: Sign the Open Letter
We invite non-governmental organizations, experts, activists, and individuals committed to human rights and anti-corruption efforts to endorse this open letter (also translated into Spanish and French) that calls for a leap forward in addressing the negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights.
To endorse the letter, please fill out this form by Friday, 1 March 2025.
Together, we can strengthen global efforts to combat corruption, safeguard human rights, and advance justice for all.
Corruption Undermines the Enjoyment of Human Rights
Corruption fosters systemic human rights violations as those in power prioritize personal gain over public good. It hinders access to essential services, fuels inequality, and erodes trust in institutions. The 2021 UNGASS Political Declaration highlights this link, recognizing how corruption disproportionately harms marginalized communities and pledges to align anti-corruption measures with human rights obligations.
The 2015 HRC Advisory Committee Report on the Impact of Corruption on the Enjoyment of Human Rights provides key recommendations to address these challenges, yet many have not been implemented. States should adopt a human rights-based approach to anti-corruption measures promoting accountability, fairness, and justice.
Asks for the Upcoming Resolution
The Human Rights Council is uniquely positioned to address the linkages between corruption and human rights. Therefore, we urge the Council to adopt a resolution with a substantive mandate that:
- Requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to take stock of previous Human Rights Council reports and recommendations, including the report of the Advisory Committee, and conduct a comprehensive analytical study, taking into consideration the input of a broad range of stakeholders, that outlines the existing procedural, substantive, and nondiscrimination human rights obligations in the context of corruption and develop clear guidelines for states to implement these obligations.
By taking these steps, the Council can strengthen international efforts to protect human rights and counter corruption’s negative effects on society.
Side Event: Human Rights as a Mean of Countering Corruption – Hybrid
At the 58th Session of the Human Rights Council, a side event titled “Upholding Human Rights as a Means of Countering Corruption” will take place. Participants will discuss how implementing effective anti-corruption measures is not merely an anti-corruption strategy but a key pathway to meeting states’ preexisting obligations to respect, protect and fulfill human rights. These obligations align with the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
When: Monday, 3 March 13:00-14:00
Where: Room XXII Building E Palais de Nations, Geneva
Online Link: https://ungeneva-vc.webex.com/ungeneva-vc/j.php?MTID=m112a4133f36113b8401b6d0f86949a3c