Country: Thailand
Social Media: Facebook
Focal Point: Phisanu Phromchanya, Communications Consultant
Tel: +(66) 2955 1155
Mission and vision
The CAC aims to bring effective anti-corruption policy and mechanisms into implementation by companies in order to create an ecosystem of clean business community.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
The CAC recruits private companies and gives certification to those having been externally verified for having put in place policy and compliance standards to prevent corruption as per criteria set by the CAC. It has recently rolled out new tailor-made and more simplified certification standard for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to help in expanding anti-corruption practices to smaller businesses. The CAC also aims to leverage the strength of collective action to push for a nationwide reform of frontline government service processes with a view to reducing excessive bureaucratic red-tape and corruption risk on the demand side.
The CAC’s prime activities are to promote anti-corruption mechanisms in the private sector, which will help mitigate corruption risk on the supply side. The CAC also advocated on behalf of the private sector to shape up policies relevant to anti-corruption and efforts to boost efficiency and transparency of public services.