Country: Myanmar
Focal Point: Vicky Bowman, Director
Tel: +959 799 667713
Mission and vision
Our mission is to provide an effective and legitimate platform for the creation of knowledge, capacity and dialogue concerning responsible business in Myanmar, based on local needs and international standards that results in more responsible business practices, and thereby contributes to sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Our vision is that responsible business practices support sustainable development.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
MCRB encourages businesses to operate responsibly and ethically. In particular, we encourage them to combat the corruption. We have conducted anti–corruption training for business on several occasions in partnership with other organisations e.g. TI, ASEAN-CSR Network. We translated into Burmese and distribute Transparency International‘s “Business principles for countering bribery for SMEs”. We also made inputs in producing and re-printing a new “Good governance toolkit for Myanmar Business: A handbook for resisting corruption and working with integrity” in December 2016.
MCRB has its own internal anti-corruption code of conduct.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
We conduct an annual study “Transparency in Myanmar Enterprise-TiME” which scores the websites of 200 businesses on their disclosure of information about corporate culture, corporate governance, sustainability management, communication and reporting.
We also conduct training workshops for businesses related to anti-corruption. These mention UNCAC and other international standards.
More generally, corruption comes up for discussion in many workshops we hold with business and civil society.
We also have been asked by subnational governments for support on responsible business and corruption. We have also worked with the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) on these issues.