Country: Cambodia
Focal Point: Pisey Pech, Executive Director
Email: /
Tel: (+855) 12 877 833
Mission and vision
We work together with individuals and institutions at all levels to promote integrity and reduce corruption in Cambodia, and we strive for all Cambodians to live in a society that is free of corruption.
General description of the CSO work in governance and anti-corruption area
Corruption has been a great impediment to socio, economic and political development of Cambodia. TI Cambodia is committed to support public institutions’ reform efforts through capacity development in order to effectively strengthen integrity, promote good governance and fight against corruption. We have six main programme components which are aimed to achieve collective action for transparency and integrity. Those programmes include Public Sector Engagement and Reform Programme, Partnership and Coalition Building Programme, Citizen and Youth Empowerment Programme, Business Integrity Programme, Governance Foundation and Capacity Strengthening Programme, and Research and Advocacy Programme.
Specific description of the CSO work in connection with the UNCAC
As a National Chapter of Transparency International, TI Cambodia is working to fight against corruption and to promote transparency and integrity in Cambodia. These activities are closely relevant to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). We work to support public institutions’ capacity development and reforms in order to establish and strengthen integrity systems, promote good governance and the fight against corruption through various program initiatives as described above. Specifically, TI Cambodia actively involved in the UNCAC Self-Assessment process (first cycle) and continue to assist the Government’s Anti-Corruption Unit to draft the Whistle Blower and Witness Protection Laws while advocating and giving inputs to the drafting of the Access to Information Law that is currently spearheaded by the Ministry of Information and UNESCO.
Other remarks
Executive Director of TI Cambodia, Mr. Kol Preap served as Regional Coordinator for the UNCAC Coalition from 2012-2014.