Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Focal Point: Ivana Korajlić, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +387 33 220 049
Mission and vision
We are an organisation that fights for systematic changes in society and articulates citizens’ demands for accountable, transparent and efficient governance. We achieve this in partnership with groups within the public, private and civil sectors.
A society based on equity, transparency and accountability, able to prevent and punish corruption.
General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area
Several areas comprise the principal activities of TI BiH: advocacy, legal advice, corruption monitoring and measuring, policy formulation and training of other partner organisations. These activities focus on BiH as well as some of the countries of the region (know-how transfer and sharing of analytical outputs) and, through the TI network, several countries beyond. Over the last 15 years TI BiH has developed concrete mechanisms for monitoring corruption in BiH, measuring the progress of governments and disseminating information to the public through regular reports on corruption. TI BiH monitors the implementation of anticorruption reforms, in particular with regard to the prosecution of corruption, conflict of interest, political party finance, public procurement, whistleblower protection, public administration reform, free access to information and confiscation of criminal and illegal assets.
Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC
Transparency International in BiH recently published Monitoring of the Implementation of the UNCAC Convention in Bosnia and Herzegovina. TI BiH has monitored three Chapters of the Convention, Chapter II – Prevention, Chapter III – Criminalisation and Law Enforcement and Chapter IV – International Cooperation. In addition to the monitoring, TI BiH regularly works on advocacy for improvement of national anti-corruption measures in the fields of conflict of interest, political party finance, public procurement, protection of whistleblowers, public administration reform, free access to information, confiscation of criminal and illegal assets, implementation of anti-corruption strategies, etc.
Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC
TI BiH has not formally participated in the UNCAC review mechanism, but it intends to do so. During the country visit in the first review czcle TI BiH met with the evaluation and review team. TI BiH has developed a comprehensive monitoring report on the UNCAC implementation. A TI BiH representative participated in the training for CSOs organized by UNODC in Senegal in 2013.
If you or someone from your organization has participated in a workshop on UNCAC and its review mechanism organized by UNODC/ UNCAC Coalition, please indicate who, when and where
Lejla Ibranovic, June 2013, Training for CSO organised by UNODC in Senegal