Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN)

Center for Investigative Reporting

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Focal Point: Leila Bicakcic, Executive Director
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Tel: (387 33) 560 040

Focal Point: Ermin Zatega, Reporter
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Tel: (387 33) 560 047

Mission and vision

A society in which information is available to everyone and the authorities work for the benefit of people. The Center for Investigative Reporting is a media organization which informs the public accurately and fairly about corruption, organized crime and system deficiencies. We strive to inspire citizens to act in order to increase government’s accountability and to promote good standards of investigative reporting.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

CIN is unique in Bosnia and Herzegovina: it is the first organization of its kind to be established in the Balkans. CIN is dedicated to investigative reporting, aimed at providing fair and unbiased information (based on evidence and solid proof) to BiH citizens who need to make educated decisions. Our work focuses on organized crime and corruption, with a particular focus on ties between political elites and the use of public funds, as well as the negative impact they have on the lives of ordinary citizens. We also focus on investigative projects and stories on topics that include education, health, sports, employment, politics, illegal trading in tobacco and drugs, illegal drugs and documents, and financial fraud.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

CIN is an investigative reporting agency, promoting democratic, transparent and accountable actions of elected officials in the government. Through our reporting, we expose illegal, corruptive practices, and advocate for their correction. Our stories have led to: the removal of a number of judges and ministers from office; the arrest of law enforcement officers; the closing of a fraudulent American university; and the exposing of government officials for various wrongdoings. In fact, former Prime Minister Nedžad Branković was indicted based on the findings that CIN published in 2007.

If you or someone from your organization has participated in a workshop on UNCAC and its review mechanism organized by UNODC/ UNCAC Coalition, please indicate who, when and where

Mr. Ermin Zartega, September 2016, UNCAC meeting in Vienna

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)