Transparency International Rwanda

Country: Rwanda
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr
Focal point: Apollinaire Mupiganyi, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +250788309563


Zero tolerance to corruption in the Rwandan society.


Contribute to fighting against corruption and promoting good governance through enhancing integrity in the Rwanda society.

General description of your work in the prevention of and the fight against corruption

Since its inception in 2004, TI-Rw implemented a good number of projects ranging from developing tools/mechanisms to collect evidence/data on corruption cases (“Researches in various sectors: governance, Judiciary, Public Financial Management, education, corruption in media, service delivery,…; Online reporting tool on corruption cases or in procurement, Advocacy; Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) Project; ….); carried out media campaigns and building partnerships with national and International anti-corruption actors for collective actions to prevent and fight corruption in Rwanda.

TI-RW’s target beneficiaries are all Rwandan citizens at every level and all stakeholders including the government, the civil society, the private sector.

Describe your organisation’s work linked with the UNCAC

TI-RW is engaged with the office of ombudsman, the Rwanda Public Prosecution Authority and the African Parliamentarian Network against Corruption (APNAC) in various joint campaigns for UNCAC provisions national compliance and on anti-corruption laws in Rwanda that need to be aligned to UNCAC. These include Asset recovery of the convicted corrupted officials, considering “public funds embezzlement among the corruption cases”, advocacy for strong measures to protect whistleblowers. TI-RW is as well member of the Rwandan UNCAC review experts. My participation to the UNODC CSO regional meeting could provide me with more insights on how to engage more with Government institutions to promote ensure compliance with UNCAC provisions.

In the beginning of 2016, TI-RW was invited to participate in the National Experts on the review of UNCAC (to provide our inputs during the self- assessment phase, the peer-review phase, during the country visit, the writing of the country review report or a parallel report). But so far, there were only some meetings of the experts. My participation at the UNODC CSO regional meeting can provide me some insight on best practices on how things work in other countries so that we could emulate these best practices.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)