Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC)

Country: Mauritius
Social media: YouTube
Focal Point: Rajendra Coomar Reedha, Chairman
Tel: 230-59326929

Mission and vision

Break the chain of corruption by:

  • Working towards the creation of anti-corruption culture by promoting the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, and rule of law with the full participation and engagement of civil society organisations in the fight against corruption
  • Promoting anti-corruption initiatives in the fight against corruption among citizens
  • Advocating and supporting the implementation of anti-corruption policies and best practices

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

The CSNAC is working towards the creation of a vigilant society by promoting the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, rule of law, and fairness in the community, and to sustain engagement of members of civil society in the promotion of an anti-corruption culture.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

  • Promote anti-corruption initiatives in the fight against corruption among citizens
  • Flag up any irregularity pertaining to corruption without putting themselves in an embarrassing position or the reputation/integrity of any citizen at stake
  • Reinforce their networking activities through broad mobilization of volunteers in their respective districts against corruption
  • Support the implementation of anti-corruption policies and best practices in their respective operating environment
  • Work towards the promotion of an anti-corruption culture and fostering civil society engagement in the fight against corruption
  • Work towards the creation of a vigilant society by promoting the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, rule of law, and fairness in the community

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC

  • Organise sensitisation and training program to promote awareness of the IRM and ensure broad public participation to the process
  • Raise awareness, share experiences and stimulate debate within civil society organisations around two major and complementary instruments which address corruption and advance equality globally: the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Setting up of nine regional district anticorruption committees with representatives from civil society organisation, the adoption of a set of guiding principles for the members of the regional and national anti-corruption network as well as the launching of capacity building program on the UNCAC and the IRM for the members of the regional and national anti-corruption committee

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)