Country: Malawi
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Focal Point: June Kambalametore, Acting Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +265881112850
Mission and vision
Our Vision: MEJN envisions a society where citizens are treated justly, living a dignified life.
Our Mission Statement: MEJN shall promote good economic governance for the betterment of Malawians.
General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area
MEJNs core work involves public policy research, analysis and monitoring of the national budget and ensuring that government and development partners’ policies focus on the majority of citizens who are poor – so that citizens get value for money in all government and donor activities.
Our projects in corruption focus on:
- Opening Contracting
- Social accountability on the procurement of textbooks and teacher learning materials
- National Integrity Systems support
- Illicit financial flows
- Strengthening CSOs’ contributions to governance and development processes
Our target beneficiaries are mostly grassroots structures and communities. The approaches we mostly use are Public Expenditure Tracking and community scorecards, lobbying and advocacy.
Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC
MEJN works with the Anti-Corruption Bureau and also advocates on various corruption issues related to the UNCAC and the different policies on the corruption. Currently MEJN does not have a specific project on corruption. Most of the activities addressing corruption are embedded in other projects.
In 2012 to 2013 MEJN implemented a DFID-funded National Integrity System project. The motivation for implementing the project emanated from Malawi’s adoption of Malawi National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS) in 2009. The strategy is a sector holistic approach to the fight against corruption in Malawi; and was developed upon the realisation that corruption affects all sectors of society.