Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC)

Kenya Human Rights Commission

Country: Kenya
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube
Focal Point: George Kegoro, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +254 020 2044545 / 2106763

Mission and vision

Our vision is a human rights state and society while our mission is to foster human rights, democratic values, human dignity and social justice.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

KHRC believes that corruption undermines governments’ responsibility to protect and fulfil human rights and promotes inequality and slows economic growth. It’s on this basis that KHRC has conceptualized projects to expose, combat and confront corruption in Kenya. We employ a multiplicity of approaches including:

  1. conducting anti-corruption studies to generate evidence for advocacy against corruption
  2. establishing networks/partnerships/coalitions with public, private and civil society actors to confront corruption
  3. building the capacity of citizens to effectively engage and demand for transparency, accountability and integrity in governance
  4. convening political dialogues with duty bearers and right holders to deliberate on strategies to combat corruption

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

The KHRC has conceptualized projects whose implementation contributes to the realization of provisions of UNCAC. We engage duty bearers at the policy level in advocating for both enactment and implementation of policies and legislation that criminalize acts of corruption, promote asset recovery and also aim at preventing corruption. We have participated in the development of a national policy on public participation and consistently push for the enactment of legislation that promotes active participation of the community in public decision making processes. This is in line with Article 13 of UNCAC which provides for participation of society as a corruption preventive measure. Furthermore, KHRC has established community-level Human Rights Networks. These networks have been capacitated to engage local governance structures and represent the interest of the community in public decision making processes. Through them, citizens’ awareness of the prevalence of corruption in the society is created and civilian oversight enhanced.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC

The KHRC has not participated directly in the review mechanism for Kenya. However, we have been at the forefront in demanding for a more transparent and inclusive country UNCAC review process. As currently constituted, the inclusion of CSOs in the review process has been left at the discretion of the government. This preference is likely to be abused especially in the context of the shrinking Civil Society space in the country.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)