Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya)

Transparency International KenyaCountry: Kenya
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr
Focal Point: Sheila Masinde, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel:  (+254) 2727763/5 or 2730324/5

Mission and vision

Mission: To transform the society and institutions by supporting the development of high integrity leadership in all sectors and at all levels.

Vision: A transparent, accountable and corruption-free Kenya.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

TI-Kenya works towards a transparent and corruption free society. Its current focus is on addressing corruption in the water, education, humanitarian aid, climate finance governance, the police and the extractives industry sectors. It has laid emphasis on realising critical institutions of governance to address corruption issues, strengthening capacity of the public to recognise corrupt activities and to take action, enhancing transparency and accountability in the implementation of humanitarian operations and conducting integrity studies. It applies strategies such as advocacy, research, partnerships, capacity building and civic engagement. It contributes to development of effective policy and legislative frameworks that promote transparency and accountability.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

TI-Kenya contributes to strengthening of public institutions through capacity building to ensure compliance with laws, policies, set rules and regulations that promote adherence to the UNCAC. TI-Kenya plays a key role in review of policies and bills/laws to conform to the required national, regional and international standards as committed to by the country. It further contributes to setting up of complaints reporting and referral mechanisms to support reporting of anti-corruption related complaints.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC

TI-Kenya consistently follows up on implementation of the UNCAC in Kenya. In July 2013, Transparency International Kenya was among the institutions appointed by the Attorney General to a 15-member National Steering Committee on the Review of the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). The committee facilitated the review of Kenya’s implementation of UNCAC by assessing anti-corruption laws, institutions, policies and administrative measures or other arrangements. Following TI-Kenya’s strength in in working with partner institutions, TI-Kenya coordinated the Civil Society Organizations to critique and give input to Kenya’s self-assessment report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2013. Further, it facilitated sessions on the UNCAC review process for members of the African Parliamentarian Network to promote extensive stakeholder participation in the process.

If you or someone from your organization has participated in a workshop on UNCAC and its review mechanism organized by UNODC/ UNCAC Coalition, please indicate who, when and where

Mr. Samuel Kimeu, Vienna, 2016

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)