Democratic Governance Facility (DGF)

Democratic Governance FacilityCountry: Uganda
Social Media: Twitter, Facebook
Focal Point: Pauline Apolot, Programme Manager
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Tel: +256 790 548 784

Mission and vision

Pursuing a shared vision of a peaceful, prosperous and democratic Uganda

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

The DGF is a multi-donor facility established by eight development partners under an agreement with the GoU: Austria, Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the European Union. As development partners, the DGF shares a vision with the government and the people of Uganda of maintaining a corrupt-free Uganda. Therefore, DGF is committed to contributing to the fight against corruption by supporting CSOs and several state institutions whose mandate is to fight corruption.

The DGF harmonizes development partner support to selected public institutions and civil society organizations to contribute to the promotion of democracy and good governance in Uganda.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

The DGF has three areas of focus: Deeping Democracy; Rights, Justice and Peace; and Voice and Accountability. Voice and Accountability specifically works with both state institutions and CSO’s fighting corruption. Under the Voice and Accountability component, the DGF is contributing to the fight against corruption, empowering communities to advocate for their rights and demand for accountability from their leaders, as well as ensuring increased civic participation in the decision-making processes.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC

I do not have a direct link in the implementation of UNCAC activities since the DGF does not implement activities but supports anti-corruption organisations/partners in the implementation of anti-corruption activities. The support is both financial and technical. The DGF on the other hand facilitated partners to attend UNCAC meetings, and I have attended meetings on the review of the UNCAC organised by both the state and CSOs.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)