Integrity Platform (IP)

Integrity Platform

Country: Malawi
Focal Point: Jeff Kabondo, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +265 999069195

Mission and vision

We envision a thriving Malawi society inspired by high integrity. We work together with individuals and institutions at all levels of the Malawi society and beyond to promote integrity through evidence-based advocacy and citizen empowerment.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

IP aims to increase awareness about corruption, enhance efforts by other anti-corruption agencies and facilitate advocacy and lobbying on policy and legislative reforms on general governance and corruption.

IP’s approach focuses on research, advocacy and civic empowerment. The major targets are public policy key players, government and its major development partners and the people in general.

IP has been involved in activities to strengthen Malawi’s National Integrity System, promoted anti-corruption advocacy through reports such as Transparency International’s CPI. IP has also coordinated forums for anti-corruption stakeholders. Presently IP is championing advocacy around transparency and accountability on public audit.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

IP is not yet implementing any activities linked to UNCAC but would seriously like to participate in monitoring the implementation of the convention locally because there seems to be no local organization doing that. If there is any opportunity to get linked to any organisation already linked to UNCAC we will happily support the efforts.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)