Center for Security Studies and Development (CENSSAD)

Country: Liberia
Social media: Facebook
Focal Point: Richelieu Allison, Executive Director
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Tel: +231 777976768

Mission and vision

The Center for Security Studies and Development (CENSSAD) was established in 2014 with a view to consolidating peace and contributing to the long-term socio-economic and political stability in Liberia.

General description of the CSO work in the anti-corruption area

Since its establishment, CENSSAD has been working to enhance security sector governance in Liberia. CENSSAD intends to work with the security sector and civil society group to promote accountability and transparency with the security sector.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the UNCAC

CENSSAD is working to enhance the oversight responsibilities of civil society and parliament over the security sector to ensure accountability and transparency within the sector.

CENSSAD applied to the small grants scheme organised by the Civil Society Team, UNODC, for “Engaging the Private Sector in Liberia to Infuse a New level of Dynamism in the fight Against Corruption”.

Specific description of the CSO work in relation to the review mechanism of the UNCAC

CENSSAD has worked with the Liberia Media Center (LMC) to help increase media coverage and visibility of corrupt practices and acts on government expenditures at the national and local government levels. The organisation has also worked on increasing the engagement of citizens in dialogue, advocacy and activities addressing corrupt practices by national and local government functionaries.

Anti-Corruption events in your region

Since 2016, CENSSAD has also received funding from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) for its programme. The projects include:

  • Engaging Local Communities and Concessionaires to Promote Non-Violence conflict Resolution, Peace and Development in Concession Area
  • Mobilizing Commercial Motorcyclists to serve as Agents for Change
  • Promoting Constructive Engagement Between Commercial Motorcyclists and Security Institution

In 2017, CENSSAD received a small grant from the Liberia Media Centre (LMC) to implement a project designed to ensure accountability and transparency within the security sector. The private sector was one of the key stakeholders during the implementation.

A global civil society network promoting the implementation and monitoring of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC)